My name is Chad Canfield and my company is Solve For (X).

After receiving my mathematics degree from the Colorado School of Mines, I spent much of my career working in the field of operational consulting as a senior principal for one of the world’s largest global consulting firms. My time there taught me that business consulting needed improvement as much as the businesses I was working for. All too often, I felt the pressure to force a client’s problem to fit my employer’s proprietary solution, or to sell my clients on additional services, rather than focus on solving their problems in a meaningful way. This led me to start Solve for (X) and develop the Operational Design framework.

The name was born out of the belief that, just as every business is unique, so are their problems. And while there are established processes and methodologies that can be applied, the solution must ultimately be unique to the business. X is the variable that is different for each client. And that is how we approach every engagement.

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